LOVINTAGE was established in Tokyo, Japan since year 2014. The founders of LOVINTAGE have gained many years of solid experience in vintage luxury industry, especially for the love of the brand Chanel, that we’ve been collecting precious and rare vintage Chanel bags, and other vintage luxury items. LOVINTAGE prior in vintage luxury wholesale and retail, besides Japan, we have consumers from China, Hong Kong, USA, Italy, Australia and recently we are developing the Southeast Asia market. We also supply bags for US well known vintage boutiques as they trust us for our quality and assurance.
Japan is renowned for the largest vintage luxury market, this business involve restricted rules and regulations. LOVINTAGE is one of the recognised and qualified “Antique license” 【東京都公安委員許可 第304421507351 号】which issued by the Japan Metropolitan Police Department, hence any of the Japan brand association requires this license. Our in house appraiser will go through a authentication evaluation, to guarantee its authenticity to keep up with our reputation.
In 2015, LOVINTAGE brings business to online market, and expand to worldwide, besides eBay, LOTTE platforms, LOVINTAGE have established lov.cxstaging.com to broader E-commerce consumers, and to reach out to more vintage lovers globally. LOVINTAGE collaborate with Beijing and Shanghai for a luxury auction, and held pop up store and events in Hong Kong, which have wonderful feedback and press attention.
In vintage luxury especially Chanel, every piece comes from unique craftsmanship, handmade and rare material from the old days, makes vintage Chanel bags hard to find, and LOVINTAGE treasure every piece of them by giving proper maintenance and appreciate their vintage value. We would alliance leather professionals from Japan, China, Malaysia and England to provide prestige post services.